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Karari Camp Karari Camp

We camped at Karari at a desiccated river bed where some vegetation provided welcome cover from the scorching heat during the day. Temperatures reached 45 degrees during the day and didn't drop below 15 degrees during the night. Whereas my Swiss tent was surprisingly suitable for the desert, my self-inflating and perfectly heat-absorbing mattress was not. Everybody needs to pay an entry price for the first time in the field. At least my price wasn't to get bitten by a venomous snake or scorpion, which are not too uncommon in the region. Our Kenyan colleagues did a great job in keeping the camp running. Water had to be pumped out of the ground, petrol procured from a frontier town near the Ethiopian border and food hauled all the way from Nairobi. The photo collection also shows our mobile field kitchen.

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